Steven Oakley
Where are you from in NZ?
Born in Christchurch but raised in Nelson.
Where are you currently living and how long have you been there?
Gold Coast, QLD. We have been here three years but lived in Australia since 2008.
What's is it like on the Gold Coast?
The weather is nothing short of amazing. Prior to living here my perception of the Gold Coast was that it was a bit tacky, however the suburbs and surrounding area’s are absolutely beautiful. The quality of life is outstanding and our two young boys are swimming close to 8 months of the year. The food and beverage offerings have come a long way and now offer some sensational restaurants.
What’s your current profession?
General Manager of QT Gold Coast, aka Hotelier...
How has Covid affected you?
Lock down hasn’t necessarily happened for me directly due to the hotel still operating albeit on the smell of an oily rag, but home life changed with home schooling etc.
Has there been any particular challenges during this period that stand out for you?
Having to reduce the work force was highly challenging as you are literally letting fantastic people go purely due to the economic impact. It’s not pleasant for anyone but the humbleness of people and their understanding of the situation has been very levelling.
Beer or wine?
Beer and wine :)
Takeaway night - what would you choose?
Would be Japanese....
Are you a hunter or gatherer?
I’m a bit of both....Definitely a hunter but as the years go on one tends to gather....with now five framed AB jerseys... :)
What inspires you?
My children....I want to be their hero. Their happiness is what drives me.
I also thoroughly enjoy working with great people to develop and implement new ideas in bespoke hotel world....
Your most useless talent?
...I have a straggering memory of 80’s lyrics.....my wife hates it.
Your favourite place?
In all honesty my family has lived in quite a few places but I have to say living on the Gold Coast is the best, certainly at this stage of our boys lives.
Best travel story?
Going to Gallipoli for the 100 years celebration with my brother was a highlight. He is in the Navy and I am an ex serviceman so to be there to commemorate our fallen brothers from so long ago was an honour.
Advice to someone venturing overseas?
Travel is essence to creating experiences, learning about others and also yourself along the way. It teaches individuals appreciation for what they have. I will be telling my Children to travel as much as they can while they are young. Japan has to be favourite country for culture, food and experiences.....
What is something people don’t know about you?
I have spent over one year at sea.....
Any plans to head home?
No I don’t think I’ll be returning to NZ in the foreseeable. I will always be black and white on the inside but living here is blisss.
What do you miss most?
I miss my family, mates and kiwi ways...fish’n’chips and crates of beer!